Have you ever wondered if anger management classes would be beneficial for you?

What is the first thought that comes to mind when someone says: “I am taking anger management classes?”.

Maybe you are thinking that this person is physically abusive, can’t control their outbursts, has been removed from their loved ones, big burly men with lots of tattoos and the list goes on.

Here is the truth: anyone can be involved in anger management classes, from doctors, lawyers, truck drivers, receptionists, fitness instructors, teachers; and they can be males or females.

Every human experiences the emotion of anger.

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It is simply that sometimes individuals struggle with understanding their anger and how to feel in control of it. 

As a society, we have done a really poor job of teaching children how to process their emotions, especially boys. 

Emotional resiliency is quickly becoming something that everyone is talking about these days. 
But what in the world do those two words mean? 

It basically means, a better understanding of self and others. Having the ability to understand where you are coming from, while being compassionate for others.

So what do you learn in anger management classes?

The ultimate goal is for individuals to be able to slow down the process of reaction and gain control over their judgment.

Now you are probably wondering how do I gain that.

Here are some of the many things you could learn during anger management class, either in the form of individual or group work.

  • Learning about the different communication styles.

  • Learning how to apply assertive communication.

  • Understanding your own boundaries and how to set boundaries.

  • Understanding how to de-escalate an argument.

  • Understanding the different levels of anger.

  • Learning how to deepen your listening skills.

  • How to develop healthy relationships

  • Understanding what codependency is.

  • Learning different techniques to cope with stressful situations.

Gaining self-control and having the ability to gain compassion and empathy is the focus through all the sessions. 

In my honest opinion, I don’t believe it should be called anger management but rather call “Life Skills” class, because we could all benefit from understanding ourselves and others in a greater capacity.

As a Certified Anger Management Counsellor, I offer in-person and online individual, as well as group work.

The gift of anger is that it motivates and gives us energy and confidence to make valuable changes in our lives.

Your ‘easy to talk to’ therapist,

Kimberly Castle R.T.C CAMC

Kimberly Castle is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor with a private practice in beautiful Kelowna, BC. She focuses on empowering individuals in all areas of their life. In her practice she works with couples and individuals on a variety of topics including trauma, self-esteem and anger management counselling.


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