Keeping negative thoughts in your head only gives them more power.
Speaking about them and understanding how they take control of your day to day life can be empowering.
Kelowna Self-Esteem & Empowerment Counselling
Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life.
Self-Esteem speaks to a sense of confident and satisfaction in oneself, our relationship with our self, and how we take our place in the world.
When you have low self-esteem, it’s common to think of yourself as a complete and utter failure. But failure is part of success. Failure doesn’t characterize you as a person or determine your self-worth.
Change is possible.
When you feel empowered you treat yourself well. You’ll feel more optimistic. When you tell yourself you’re worthy, your mood changes, and your entire outlook on life changes.
You can get started with a Kelowna Self Esteem Counsellor today!
These repetitive narratives that occur in your head that tell you you’re worthless only bring your further down, so when you have control over those negative narratives, you empower yourself.
We have all created stories in our heads about different situations in our life.
These stories have either empowered you or at times disempowered you, In our practice at Empowered Solutions Counselling Kelowna, we work with you through various techniques to help you see how that story has been effective or ineffective.
Keeping negative thoughts in your head only gives them more power and makes them bigger. Therefore by speaking about them and understanding how they take control of your day to day life can be empowering.