Enhance your felt sense of safeness in social and emotional engagement.
Safe and Sound Protocol is a therapeutic listening intervention to access safeness in social engagement and the dynamic of co-regulation.
Safe and Sound Protocol
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a powerful listening therapy designed to help regulate the nervous system, so you can better connect with yourself, others and the world around you.
Humans need social connection.
Subconsciously, your nervous system is always looking for cues of safety from other people through things like body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
But if you have a harder time interpreting these cues of safety due to past experiences or the way you take in information, your brain and body can misinterpret these cues, limiting your ability to connect in a meaningful way.
How does the SSP work?
Through the specially filtered music, the SSP sends cues of safety to your nervous system, building the foundation for awareness, embodiment and resilience.
Based on Dr. Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, the program is derived from nearly four decades of research on the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and social-emotional processes.
It is designed to stimulate nervous system regulation by exercising and systematically challenging the auditory system (i.e., exercise the middle ear muscles and connected cranial and vagus nerve) with a proprietary algorithm of processed music.
Depending on the client’s intention for the work on autonomic regulation, additional activities and exercises will be introduced during and/or between sessions.
Ventral vagal tone can be inhibited through relational trauma or lack of attuned feedback during the preverbal developmental stages that build the scaffolding of feeling secure in the world, feeling seen, and trusting those we're dependent on get us well enough to meet our homeostatic needs.
I integrate SSP with an Internal Family Systems and Somatic Experiencing lense, understanding our protective parts and how we are influenced by our neurophysiology. When we detangle the thoughts, affect, emotions, and felt sense of safety/threat, restoration is possible from the inside out, expanding confidence and trust in relationship. No more internal conflict of needing to protect and wanting to connect.
Tunes that retune.
The music of the SSP is unlike any other. Each track has been filtered through a patented algorithm that highlights specific sound frequencies that are similar to the human voice.
As you listen to the music of the SSP, these highlighted frequencies send cues of safety to retune your nervous system, which can help you feel more settled, engaged and balanced.
Pricing for Safe and Sound Protocol
*Payment plans available
Recommended for individuals with more complex concerns such as trauma, significant symptoms impacting functioning and regulation, etc.
995.00 GST INCL
This six-week delivery option includes:
SSP activation and access fee (for the duration of delivery plan)
Pre-assessments, scoring, and feedback
Autonomic mapping
Flexible service delivery based on assessments and collaborative delivery plan
Four in-person or remote one-hour weekly sessions
Between session self-delivery (plan determined through intake and assessment process)
Between session support (email/phone)
One-hour in-person or remote session to review assessments and post treatment planning
Six-eight week post treatment check-in
Recommended for individuals with less complex histories, symptoms, and mild/moderate functional challenges
$650.00 + GST
This five-week delivery option includes:
SSP Activation and access fee (for duration of delivery plan)
Pre-assessments, scoring, and feedback
Autonomic mapping
Pre-established delivery plan
Two-in person or remote one-hour sessions (initial appointment and midway)
Between session self-delivery
Email /phone check-ins
One hour in-person or remote session to review post- assessments and planning for follow-up
Six-eight week post treatment check-in
What SSP may support:
Sensory Hypersensitivity
Social Anxiety
Emotional Hyper-expression
Selective Mutism
Disconnection from Self
Relational Trauma
ASD patterns