My heartfelt thanks to you
Dear amazing human,
First of all, let me thank you for taking the time to read this little heartfelt note. As I approach my 4th year in private practice, I felt compelled to share from the depth of my heart.
The experience of being a human is certainly a wild one at times, it’s messy, it’s a bit of a roller coaster and sometimes you come up for air only to be pulled back down under just as quickly. As your therapist, I am not immune to the wild ride, I experience all of these emotions and sensations on a daily basis. There is often the perception that therapists have it all together, and they must have such great relationships. I can attest that it takes work to create those healthy boundaries and I am forever dedicated to the continued growth life has to offer us.
Being a therapist offers so many gifts, it is truly a rewarding “job”.
Every single encounter is such an honour. I choose to be with you in some of your hardest tribulations and I feel incredibly honoured to support you through them. I often wrap up my day feeling humbled that my clients have allowed me to hold their hearts momentarily, and have given me permission to walk with them through their darkest shadows.
Your dedication and vulnerability offer me the opportunity to become a better therapist and a better human. I learn from you every day, therefore thank you.
Thank you for showing up for yourself and being committed, even though it may be the scariest thing you’ve done so far.
Consider this, humans change by moving through a series of sequential stages; first stage being pre-contemplation, followed by contemplation, then preparation and action, and the biggest stage being maintenance.
Given that you have now reached the preparation stage and for some of you the action stage, you should feel proud that you are willing to explore the complexities of being a human, it is surely indicative of your determination and strength.
Continue to embrace your worth and your greatness.
From the depths of my heart, thank you for helping me become a better human.
With love,
Your ‘easy to talk to’ therapist,
Kimberly Castle R.T.C, CAMC