The Benefits of Online Therapy
The ability to improve your mental health is at your fingertips.
The device that you are reading this on right now can be a part of your therapy experience. Online therapy happens with ease as you only need your device and a quiet space. A benefit to doing therapy in your own home is that you know which rooms have distractions so you can pick one that is quiet and comfortable. This allows you to be in a peaceful and homey space as opposed to in-person therapy where you could be in a room where you are with unfamiliar items and things that might distract you from the conversation at hand. Another great part of online therapy is that you can choose to have a pet around you to make you feel safe and supported. Having a pet nearby is a great option so long as they aren't a distraction and take away from your therapy experience. It is also vital to have your notifications silenced so as not to be disturbed. This removes you from all the stresses that are linked to your device and allows you to have a private session, removed from the outside world.
Digital distractions could be seen as a disadvantage to online counselling, but as long as you honour your and your therapist’s time by shutting off other devices, the perks of online counselling are great. One of these massive perks is the ease online appointments offer, as there is no need to set aside extra time in your schedule for travelling to their office. Online health care can provide effective and adaptable solutions while being particularly advantageous for those in isolated areas.
Therapy can be intimidating especially when you are first starting. Online therapy is a low-stakes and safe way to dip your toes into the therapy experience. It creates a solution that offers counsel to almost anybody who wants it, as many insurance companies now cover online telehealth appointments. Over Covid-19 online therapy became very popular and after, stuck around for good reason. It is a great use of modern technology, offering obtainable healthcare to people who may not have been able to access mental health services before. Sometimes people have the idea that online therapy isn't as effective as in-person, which is frankly just untrue.
Both online and traditional therapy require mutual trust, honesty, and respect, which can be achieved no matter what way the care is administered. They both have their benefits and limitations, but whichever you choose, will ultimately help improve your mental health. Overall online therapy is a great resource that provides convenient and effective mental health treatment.
Your “easy to talk to therapist”
Kimberly Castle RTC, CAMC
Kimberly Castle is a Registered Counsellor with a private practice in beautiful Kelowna, BC. She focuses on Kelowna Counselling Solutions to empower individuals in all areas of their life. In her practice she works with individuals on a variety of topics including trauma, self-esteem, Kelowna couples counselling and is your source for all things Online Counselling.
Blog contribution by Olson Russello undergraduate student at University of Washington
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